unique address

英 [juˈniːk əˈdres] 美 [juˈniːk əˈdres]

网络  唯一位址; 唯一地址; 唯一的地址



  1. Within the Ethernet network system ( and others), all devices on your network have a unique address associated with the hardware network device.
  2. In this sample, it is assumed that every contact record has a unique e-mail address that is used as the "Key" column.
  3. The network protocol is typically an Internet Protocol ( IP), which requires that each program runs on a computer with a unique IP address.
  4. Every device in an Ethernet network has a unique MAC address.
  5. The DHCP/ BootP service is a program or device that will act as a host with a unique IP address.
  6. Each virtual machine must have a unique MAC address, and failure to provide a unique MAC address to each clone can cause network problems.
  7. For the IBM Cloud, it is necessary to configure all communication to take place using unicast transmission ( the sending of messages to a single network destination identified by a unique address).
  8. You can think of a port number as a unique address.
  9. In TCP/ IP, every host ( computer or other communications device) that is connected to the network has a unique IP address.
  10. Static IP addressing means manually assigning a unique IP address to each computer in the LAN.
  11. Enough IP addresses need to be assigned to each IP Group such that each of the virtual machines in each of the applications can have a unique IP address.
  12. The membership provider instance requires a unique e-mail address.
  13. This way, each cell can be easily located in the memory because it has a unique address and all the memory cells follow a successive pattern.
  14. The client then uses its Mac address ( or a random number) to fill in the bottom part of the address, giving a unique address on the local system.
  15. DHCP automatically hands out a unique network address to each device on the network-a feature that makes setting up any network device including a WebCam much easier.
  16. A unique e-mail address could not be created.
  17. Every set of the VDM equipment has unique IP address in the local area network, which can be recognized and parallel controlled by the computer.
  18. Please note that each Fun& Downloads account must have a unique email address.
  19. If you connect computers together on a network, each computer must have a unique address, which could be either a word or a number.
  20. Every computer or mobile device that can talk to the Internet needs a globally unique address.
  21. Every byte has a unique address.
  22. By the address setting module, the wireless alarming device sets a unique address for accepting alarm;
  23. Each computer's network adapter card is the card has its own unique address.
  24. VRN considers control components as resource, each component has unique address, and other resources access it only through its network source name and need not know where it lies exactly.
  25. On the condition that duplicate address detection algorithm ( DAD) is applied, this protocol can allocate unique IP address to each node in mobile ad hoc networks.
  26. Visual link architecture was adopted for system protocol and each end system was assigned a unique 48-bits address as identifier in MAC layer.
  27. Starting from IP address, the paper analyzes the corresponding relation between IP address and domain name, the function of domain name server system and how a unique address is provided to each computer in internet.
  28. Security system protects communication by using measures such as key management, authentication, encryption and entities such as unique Bluetooth address, different link key and encryption key, etc.
  29. Compared with other Address auto-configuration protocols, this protocol assigns unique address to node rapidly without performing duplicate address detection.
  30. When some mobile devices need to get a lot of resources from the Internet, they must be configured a unique IP address, and maintain communications with the corresponding nodes through the gateway.